Friday, March 31, 2006

Andy's Invisible Dragon

Many children have invisible friends. Not many have invisible dragons. Andy is one of the lucky kids who does.

Andy and his dragon have a lot of fun together. Last night he and his dragon were splashing each other in the tub. This morning they had a sword fight. Then, later they played chase together on his "motorcycle" (Big Wheel) outside.

The one thing I don't like about his dragon is that he makes quite a few messes around the house. I'll ask Andy, "What happened here?" And nine times out of ten, he'll say, "My dragon did it." "Your dragon is pretty messy isn't he?" "Yeah, he is."


Anonymous said...

Those boys are fountains of fun quotes and stories. Sometimes he says so many funny/interesting things in one night I can't remember them all by the time you guys get home!

Holly said...

His dragon has been tripping him lately. What a troublemaker of a dragon.