Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bad skiing = bad ACL

Last Friday I got the radiologist's report from my MRI. My meniscus and cartilage are both fine. I'm especially glad about this part because a ruptured meniscus can cause arthritis. My MCL is sprained but not torn. It should heal fine on its own.

I have a bone contusion, whatever that means. Unfortunately, I see my doctor on Friday afternoons, and he always seems pretty eager to leave the office. His explanations are a wee bit hasty for my taste.

The worst news is that I have a partially torn ACL. There is a small chance it is totally torn. Basically I'm just going to have to take it easy for another few weeks and get it rechecked. The doctor told me that even with a torn ACL I should have no problem running, hiking, biking, and so on. That's almost everything I like to do anyway. What I can't do until it heals or gets repaired are twisting, pivoting, abrupt direction changes. In other words, tennis, raquetball, and basketball are out for now.

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